Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Alhamdulillahi Rabbal Alamiin...

As I've ever said, Diaz passed the test and got into UI =)
This is wat I called 'feeling'.
Since the beginning, when he going to take the test,
I said "Looks like you'll gonna pass this time."
And see..??
He passed it.

Oh yeah,
there's secret : When his test result going to be announcing, if I suddenly felt that I missed him so much, or suddenly felt mellow and sad, then it means he's failed.
I proved it twice or three times =)
So, it's no doubt =P

And this time, seriously, I felt nothing. Felt like I'm okay.
And, tadaa...
He passed it ^^

Congratulation friend! =D
oh yeah,
I was so glad that he have passed the exam as if I were the one who have passed the exam already.
silly me.

It felt like 'i-have-nothing-to-do-left', meanwhile in fact,
I have my own exam in 15minutes later.

I've only got 78 for my art test. hahaha

enough for monday,
move on to tuesday aka yesterday.

I have sleepover at Grace's house.
Not actually sleepover though, since there's just two of us.
We have private tutor and Grace should stay alone in her house in Cibiru.
She said she was lonely, and afraid, since there's nobody there.

So she asked me to accompany her.
I agreed, and my mom permitted also.
Well then, after the tutor finished,
we back to my house, take my backpack (full of towel, undies, etc + bedcover!!) and then we off to Cibiru xD

In the morning,
I know one thing : we couldn't lived by just the two of us.
Since she love to sleep and so does with me.

Both of us would never wake up if we can. =P
THat's why we got up late at 6am.

She swept and clean the floor meanwhile I helped her to iron her uniforms.
Not very tidy though,
I guess I still have to learn and practice :D
still a long way to be a good wife. kyahahahaha~~
In fact, it looks like I'm not ready yet for living alone. =)

because of the 'morning business', we came to school late.
Thx God it's PE in d morning,
so it wouldn't be trouble =P

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