This book, titled as 'Syahadat Cinta'.
It looks like it have a good story.
I dunno, I haven't read it yet. =X
But there's story about this book I've experienced today.
I walked to the school library,
returned a true story-book and a blog-made book to library.
Then I asked the librarian when will she going to shop for books again.
I asked her if she can buy some Muslim religious novel such as 'Syahadat Cinta'.
And guess wat she said.
"I guess I'm not going to buy that kind of novels. It's about religion rite? I think you should buy it yourself. I guess I'll put novels that have 'only' story (aka teenlit fiction that have no real meaningful moral lessons)."
Wat can I do?
I just smiled and said, "Oh ok. Just ask anyway..."
Muslim in my school are minority.
But some part of my little 'pure heart' couldn't accept this.
I know, Muslim here are minor.
The librarian only afraid that those kind of novels are some kind of wasted.
But wat should we, the muslim minority should read, if there's only crap novels and others' religion novel such as christian, catholic and buddhist?
how poor the muslim here... =X
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